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Ministry of Environment and Water discusses decree on trade of organic food & products Ministry markets over 700 tons of local organic items worth AED 7 million

The Ministry of Environment and Water held a meeting with concerned local authorities at its Dubai headquarters to discuss the enforcement of Ministerial Decree No. 768 for 2014. The decree regulates the trading of organic food & products; in addition to promoting and enhancing the efficiency of the organic market. The meeting falls in line with the Ministry’s strategic objectives to ensure food safety and promote sustainable domestic food production.

Eng. Fatima Al Kalbani, Acting Director of Health and Agricultural Development, emphasized that the Ministry conducted the meeting to enhance communications with its partners, develop and regulate the organic sector, and ensure the market’s growth and sustainability in accordance with the highest standards and policies. This will help facilitate the implementation of trade procedures involving organic food and products—resulting in a strong local organic market and chemical-free, high-quality agricultural products.  

 Al Kalbani noted that the Ministry has already established a legislative framework governing organic products. It also continuously encourages farmers to use organic fertilizers, seeds and pesticides being offered by the farming community development program at half the original price. The UAE has increased its organic farming area to 4,286 hectares from 200 hectares in the last three years, with farmers receiving sufficient supplies of organic seeds. The Ministry is also working on increasing the area at 5 per cent annually as part of its strategic objectives for the period 2014-2016.

 She added that in line with efforts to promote local agricultural production, 62 organic products have been marketed with an estimate of 700 tons and with a value of over than AED 7 million last year, through its partnership with the Union Cooperative Society, which helped to significantly enhance the local farmers’ marketing capabilities.

 Al Kalbani pointed out that the UAE system is consistent with international standards and legislations governing organic farming. She said it corresponds with nine global organic production systems, including those from the US, the European Union, the UK, Japan, and New Zealand. The Ministry also follows international standards in issuing its regulations.  

 Aside from trade policies governing organic food and products, the attendees also discussed the decree’s provisions on marketing methods and criteria.

 An open forum was held at the end of the meeting to review all topics discussed by concerned local authorities and agencies and identify the trade challenges faced by the organic product sector. The attendees thanked the Ministry of Environment and Water for its efforts to promote, support and develop the state’s agricultural sector.

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