
Biological security represents an integrated strategic approach to the analysis and management of biological risks to human, animal, plant and environmental life and health. Given the rapid scientific development in this area, it is necessary to establish biosecurity bases and components to assess risks associated with biologic factors and to establish measures to stop the spread or introduction of harmful agents. Following anthrax anthrax in the United States of America in 2001, which resulted in loss of life and significant economic and material losses. And the incidence of foot and mouth disease in some European countries and the consequent economic and environmental losses that affected the livestock resources of the affected countries.

The United Arab Emirates has an increasing regional and international importance in various fields and is considered one of the world’s leading centers of trade and an important transit hub for passengers and goods, which in turn requires compliance with the requirements for control and control of biological materials. The recommendation for the formation of the National Committee for Biosecurity was adopted by the Council of Ministers by the Ministerial Council for Services (No. 184/13 G / 1) for 2010. Accordingly, the National Committee for Biosecurity was formed by Ministerial Resolution No. 136 of 2012

